
Function googleColor(value, random)
Dim colorArray
colorArray = Split(value, ",")
googleColor = colorArray(random Mod (UBound(colorArray) + 1))
End Function

Function googleScreenRes()
Dim screenRes, delimiter, resArray
screenRes = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_UA_PIXELS")
delimiter = "x"
If IsEmpty(screenRes) Then
screenRes = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_UP_DEVCAP_SCREENPIXELS")
delimiter = ","
End If
If IsEmpty(screenRes) Then
screenRes = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_JPHONE_DISPLAY")
delimiter = "*"
End If
resArray = Split(screenRes, delimiter, 2)
If (UBound(resArray) + 1) = 2 Then
googleScreenRes = "&u_w=" & resArray(0) & "&u_h=" & resArray(1)
End If
End Function

Function googleMuid()
Dim muid
muid = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_DCMGUID")
If Not IsEmpty(muid) Then
googleMuid = "&muid=" & muid
End If
muid = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_UP_SUBNO")
If Not IsEmpty(muid) Then
googleMuid = "&muid=" & muid
End If
muid = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_JPHONE_UID")
If Not IsEmpty(muid) Then
googleMuid = "&muid=" & muid
End If
muid = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_EM_UID")
If Not IsEmpty(muid) Then
googleMuid = "&muid=" & muid
End If
End Function

Function googleViaAndAccept(googleUserAgent)
If Len(googleUserAgent) = 0 Then
Dim via
via = Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_VIA"))
If Not IsEmpty(via) Then
googleViaAndAccept = "&via=" & via
End If
Dim accept
accept = Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ACCEPT"))
If Not IsEmpty(accept) Then
googleViaAndAccept = googleViaAndAccept & "&accept=" & accept
End If
End If
End Function

Dim googleTime, googleDt, googleScheme
googleTime = DateDiff("s", "01/01/1970 00:00:00", Now())
googleDt = (1000 * googleTime) + Round(1000 * (Timer - Int(Timer)))
googleScheme = "http://"
googleUserAgent = Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))
If StrComp(Request.ServerVariables("HTTPS"), "on") = 0 Then googleScheme = "https://"

Dim googleAdUrl, googleAdOutput
googleAdUrl = "http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/ads?" &_
"ad_type=text_image" &_
"&channel=9023625576" &_
"&client=ca-mb-pub-4358087609054310" &_
"&color_border=" & googleColor("6699CC", googleTime) &_
"&color_bg=" & googleColor("003366", googleTime) &_
"&color_link=" & googleColor("FFFFFF", googleTime) &_
"&color_text=" & googleColor("AECCEB", googleTime) &_
"&color_url=" & googleColor("AECCEB", googleTime) &_
"&dt=" & googleDt &_
"&format=mobile_single" &_
"&ip=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")) &_
"&markup=xhtml" &_
"&oe=utf8" &_
"&output=xhtml" &_
"&ref=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")) &_
"&url=" & Server.URLEncode(googleScheme & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & Request.ServerVariables("URL")) &_
"&useragent=" & googleUserAgent &_
googleScreenRes() &_
googleMuid() &_

Set googleAdOutput = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
googleAdOutput.Open "GET", googleAdUrl, false


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Holding back from a gift of leadership... in my distinctive style of freedom thinking!

I am struggling with something... I feel I was granted with a gift of leadership but why am I allowing myself to hold back that gift that I was given. Its funny I hold back so many of my gifts and do not allow them to shine. However, I do sense a reason for this. Funny I would relate this subject to a relationship. I am a very intriging person for which I have so much to release but I feel there is going to be a right time for release of these gifts. I actually shock myself at times when certain things I say or certain actions I take. For some reason I feel my mistakes can be handled and for that I will be ok but that its my job to relay these and side of effects of these situations to help others because it is harder for most to survive. My friends and family understand me as far as I know so they know exactly what I am talking about. I feel like once things I am so proud of shine through me finally I will be a woman beyond belief. Yet I am still trying to figure out my fear in this openness but it also confuses me. I am not the affectionate or showing emotion type of person but yet I am inside the MOST caring, sympathetic, loving person I know. I just can..t show it. Did I get off track from the original subject...lol...ADD! For some reason I feel my role will be as a very high leader but it will not propose until it is ready. When I say it is then it will be extremely powerful. Ask yourself this question "What is it about myself that uniquely intrigues me" If you think deep into it you will discover some things that you will not believe! That is so powerful to me. I can..t believe I am up so late with this but I constantly have so much on my mind it is hard to sleep. Like I said before my mistakes hit me so hard especially when they are acknowledged by others and it gives me more strength to keep others from making the same mistakes. I feel I can handle anything and its the people who are closest in my heart who also have a HUGE impact on this! Two most included would be my sister and my mother! I know we will provide strength for eachother when each of us is down. I take it all in a different way then anyone could imagine. We have great minds for a reason so why do some not use it or are dillusional. I feel I am a strong woman even in my times of weakness because my weaknesses only make me a more stronger and more positive person. I will never settle for anything because its convenient in life, relationships, etc. I feel everyone should stand and stick to what they know they deserve and never settle for anything less than that. Why limit yourself in situations for convenience when there is a whole other exciting role out there for you. The situations we go through is the most impact and knowledge we could ever create for ourselves. Put that on your ring finger for keepsake. Our lives now is a trial period for Heaven, what kind of person will you be there? I will create greatness and bring greatness with me and make sure my closest friends and family create their own greatness in their own preparation for Heaven! I hope this made you think some on your own situations.......

Good night all!!

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